March 2024 - Workshop Shit!

Personification of Time

Modern physicists say that time is just another dimension of space, relative to our motion and location in relation to the objects around us. But time still dominates our everyday life, even when we turn the clock back or forward an hour to accommodate some archaic idea of adjusting our schedule to the appearance or disappearance of the sun, and demonstrating the relativity of our conventional clock time.


Looking at Shakespeare’s Sonnet #19 (see text below), we see his image of time as a destructive, wicked old man with an antique pen that not only takes away the ordinary pleasures of life but also steals the very substance or essence of things – removing claws from the lion, teeth from the tiger, and ending the resurrecting power of the phoenix. Against this “devouring” entity, Shakespeare offers his own poetry – the ability to make art – as the one thing that is unassailable even from this odiously evil figure.


Let’s take some time to create a few images of time personified. What would time look like, sound like, smell like, etc.? What would time say or do?


First, we’ll brainstorm some aspects of Time using our collective imagination to come up with sensual imagery for this person called Time. You can make your own list or use the one developed in the online workshop (see tables below) or do some combination.


Then try to start a conversation with Time. You can take Shakespeare’s route and talk to Time as an entity to be schooled or reformed, taking Time to task for problems we all struggle to deal with. Or you can take the opposite tack and thank Time for all the things made possible by Time. Or you can set up a dialog with Time and let Time respond to your questions, compliments or jibes. Or you can enter into the personification and talk to us as Time, giving us the monolog of Time in response to such poor mortal creatures as ourselves.

Prompt Poem:

Sonnet #19

Brainstorming for Prompt:

Prompt Steps:

1)    Read over Shakespeare’s Sonnet #19, paying particular attention to the character of Time. What does Shakespeare’s version of Time do or say in the poem?

2)    Now conjure-up your own image of Time personified. What does it look like? What does it sound like? Etc.

3)    Brainstorm some physical characteristics for the Character of Time, as well as some actions. Using tables like the ones shown above are a great way to organize your thoughts.

4)    Take fifteen minutes to do a free write inspired by the images you came up with. You do not need to follow Shakespeare’s example of writing a sonnet: any and all forms are fair game. Focus on using the time to create a first draft, and don’t worry if it’s incomplete. There is always time to tweak things later.

5)    Once you’re happy with the piece you’ve written, feel free to share it in the comments section below.

Prompt Responses:

Andrew’s Response:

I sat with Time across a concrete desk:

His skinny fingers clutched a frantic pen;

In corners, shadows moaned as day turned dusk;

His deadly eyes read centuries of pain.

The loudest legal silence filled the room,

While glaciers formed and melted every stroke

Of that unyielding pen. Lost spirits roamed

From kingdoms he’d crossed-out with lightening strikes.

He sighed, and turned one page … one mountain fell;

He sneezed, and continents were torn apart.

He starts another list: “How do you feel,

He asks, not looking up, while flooding some port.

The answer’s lost to ancient history:

Entombed with Pharaohs … wrapped in mystery.

Rikhav’s Response

Path to the Present and Future (Blitz Poem)

  1. Old man in a tweed suit

  2. Old wooden bench by a walking path

  3. Path cobbled with glass pebbles

  4. Path woven through rolling hills

  5. Hills dotted with patches of wildflowers

  6. Hills founded on granite stone

  7. Stone molded by echoes of eternity

  8. Stone shaped by memories of time

  9. Time sits on an old bench

  10. Time wonders who will wander by the bench

  11. Bench riddled with knots

  12. Bench worn smooth by eons of wind and rain and sun

  13. Sun unrelentingly beating down

  14. Sun transforming firm taut skin to leather

  15. Leather confines wrap loosely around an aging exterior

  16. Leather fills the tweed suit with purpose

  17. Purpose contradicts eternity with immediacy

  18. Purpose asks if not when why not now

  19. Now the old man shifts to regain his comfort

  20. Now the wrapped caramels rustle in his pocket

  21. Pocket collecting the lint from fabric woven on the loom of the fates

  22. Pocket housing cold hands hiding from the winds of change

  23. Change comes and sits down beside the old man

  24. Change silently exchanges a nod of greeting

  25. Greeting between old acquaintances

  26. Greeting each other with simple cordial waves

  27. Waves roll gently against the sands of a nearby shore

  28. Waves caress the rippling edge with wet and warmth

  29. Warmth tumbles forth from the pitiless sky

  30. Warmth permeates and perforating the crisp and callous wind

  31. Wind beating at the weathered exterior of the old man

  32. Wind swirling the dry cracked mud at the foot of the solemnly seated

  33. Seated restlessly on the wooden bench is Change 

  34. Seated beside Change is the unwavering Time

  35. Time retrieves a caramel and offers it to Change

  36. Time smiles as Change slowly unwraps the sticky sweet

  37. Sweet nostalgia blossoms on Change’s tongue

  38. Sweet memories of iterations long past

  39. Past recollections bubble to the surface

  40. Past permutation rising like methane from an inky surface

  41. Surface tension is all that is holding this tenuous peace

  42. Surface calm does not belie the turmoil beneath

  43. Beneath the placid exterior Change seethes

  44. Beneath the veil lies a tumultuous nature

  45. Nature implies evolution 

  46. Nature implies a future

  47. Future implies momentum

  48. Future implies hope

  49. Hope

  50. Momentum