/// Safer Space & Community Guidelines ///

We strive to foster a space of inclusivity and respect/ We ask everyone to leave (in no particular order): ableism, ageism, classism, fatphobia, homophobia, misogyny, racism, transphobia, and all oppressive language, attitudes, and actions at the door. We ask that we hold ourselves and one another accountable to creating a culture in which we treat each other with consent and respect. This looks like and is not limited to respecting people's physical and emotional boundaries and receiving explicit verbal consent before touching someone or crossing other personal boundaries. In disrupting our safer space we will ask you to leave. Please reach out to Ricky Orng or Douglas Bishop about questions regarding the open mic or slam.

/// Zoom Guidelines /// (Online)

1.) Some best practices suggest being somewhere with minimal background noise and good lighting, use headphones if possible, and close any applications not being used on your device to improve Zoom quality.

2.) It is best to have your display on “Speaker View” to see the host and performer. “Gallery View” will allow you to see all guests at once.

3.) Feel free to add a name and pronoun into your display so we can say hello and know who is joining us. Keep in mind that this event is streaming publicly so take any precautions about sharing your identity.

4.) Guests could also have “Video” on or off, as that is optional.5.) During performances/readings the host will “Mute” all other guests.

6.) Guests are encouraged to show love and gratitude visually on screen or in the chat window.

7.) Please be respectful on screen and in the chat window - and acknowledge the space you can take up in this digital communal platform.

8.) Host will allow guests to un-mute after performances if they choose and able to out loud affirmations or gratitudes.

9.) Any conflicts to the safer space / community guidelines the host may remove you from the Zoom call. If you feel like you have been accidentally or wrongfully removed, please reach out to the organizers.

Please reach out to here with questions regarding the open mic or slam.