03.01.23 | Event Recap and Photos from our Untitled Open Mic And Mill City Slam Finals

A hot slam with ten (count ‘em!) poets going two rounds of no holds barred in a metaphorical slugfest for the ages… Actually, it was much more friendly than that, with old-school slam legend (he hosted the first-ever slam in Lowell in 2007) Ryk McIntyre making us groan with his Scandinavian (Huh? What?) jokes and keeping the wheel rolling throughout while the poets traded poems, helping each other to bring their best voice to the mic – which is really what it’s all about.
The open mic was pretty cool with some old (Zee) and new (Revvie) friends from Slam Free Or Die crossing state lines to hang out with us. We had an “Ode to the Straightest Greek I Ever Knew,” shoutouts to My Chemical Romance, “a hand-written blueprint,” “the heartbeat symphony of anyone who lives and breathes,” and “constellations of ideas,” to quote just a few of the myriad multiplicity of expressive exclamations – which is why Rikhav likes to say, “Poetry is my church.” As we say to the first-timers, “Please come back!”