August 2020 Featured Artist - Febo

/// About the Artist///

Anthony Febo is a Puerto Rican poet, teaching artist, and new dad living in Arlington, MA. Febo has been performing and teaching poetry and theatre for over a decade in the greater Boston area. His ability and love of remixing different forms got him featured as part of WBUR's The ARTery 25. In the classroom, Febo treats each workshop as it's own celebration. He draws on his experiences in theatre spaces, museums, non-profits, and art centers. On the stage, he's toured the country individually and as half of Adobo-Fish-Sauce: a cooking and poetry collaboration. His work examines what it means to actively choose joy in the face of what is trying to break you. Weaving performance into his writing, he examines issues such as toxic masculinity, family, culture, identity, and the role representation plays into a person’s development. His first full length book of poetry, Becoming an Island, can be purchased at Game Over Books.

Links to additional works and projects -

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White Space Part II -

(More info on White Space -

Featured Piece - grown from

I was grown from arroz con gandules

from sofrito and adobo can fix any meal

from my house on Sundays looking like a Goya commercial

I was grown from music

from calling Willie Colón and Héctor Lavoz my godfathers

learning Spanish like

tu amor es un pedriódico de ayer

from calling Big Pun and Terror Squad my cousins

learning my own language like

dead in the middle of Little Italy

little did we know that we riddled two middlemen who didn't do diddly

I was grown from cobblestone streets

from hearing

I can't wait to leave this place

from knowing what it's like to run for my life

from having outsiders know more about my city than I did

from being surrounded by people that hate their own skin

I was grown from this skin

from not being dark enough to hang with the Ricans

from not being light enough to hang with the Whites

from being confused where to sit at lunch

from not knowing who has my back when I get into fights

I was grown from hers

from my mother bringing me into this life

from my best friend showing me what to do with my life

from my first love making me question my life

from my second love making me question my life

from my current love making me thankful for life

from being thankful

I was grown from being thankful

from knowing what love is from parents who love each other

from knowing what love is from parents who hate each other

from knowing that sometimes

that's what love is in a Spanish household

from having lived in the city and in the campo

from falling asleep to police sirens and to coquís

from experiencing all four seasons and summer all year round

yea I was grown from du-rags and Timbs

from buying XXL tee shirts and 40” waist jeans

when I weighed 135 pounds

from not knowing where I fit in

from waking up every morning and wearing clothes that I did not fit in

I was grown from the pen

from listening to Mos Def and reading Shakespeare

was just a common weekend

from losing my notebook in high school and swearing

I would never write again

but I was grown from trying again

from my mother

being forced to drop out of school to watch over her siblings

then getting her GED

grown from - poem 3

then getting her Bachelor's

then getting her Master’s

then becoming a teacher

just so she can come home with enough time

to tuck my sister and I into bed

from my father

being the youngest of twelve

watching his father die from Alzheimer's when he was nine

then watching six of his siblings do the same in the past ten years

knowing it will happen to him

but waking up yesterday

running seven miles then going to work

and waking up today and doing the same thing again

see I was grown from being proud

from wearing the red, white, and blue and one star on my chest

from having the Merrimack flow through my veins

from having Febo as my last name

I was born with Febo as my last name

and if I had to be born again

may I be born with everything exactly the same